Travelling Through Time

27 Aralık 2019 - Culture - Mehmet G.

According to scientific and archeological studies made, invention of clock dates back to 4000 BC. The shadow clock used in Egypt is the proof of invention of the very first watch. The first clock was designed based on the length of shadow caused by the sun on an upright object. Since you cannot tell the time with a shadow clock after the sunset, inventions of water clock and hourglass followed the shadow clock. 

In Europe, a bell was used as the first clock. The bell built in 1386 chimes every hour and this bell in Salisbury Cathedral still works. 

Since the Nordic countries cannot depend on sunlight, these countries preferred using clocks. Clocks were placed in the cathedrals, city centers, city gates and monasteries located in the Nordic countries. These clocks were designed based on monastery order and then they leaded the city life. 

In 1477, Mehmet the Conqueror took the first step of developing clock making business in our country. He invited Venetian clockmakers to our country.

Clock making is a craft blossomed in the former locksmith and goldsmith guilds. The milestone in the development of clock making craft is the production of home clocks in the 15th century and corner wall clocks in the 16th century.

The first pocket watch was designed in the 15th century. The first pocket watches had a very heavy structure. A lot of craftsmen and particularly ironmasters developed designs for pocket watches. These steel watches were very popular. 

In 1810, the first wristwatch was specially designed for Caroline Bonaparte, the sister of Napoleon Bonaparte.

The First World War triggered the transition from pocket watch to wristwatch. Before the War, people considered the wristwatches as a women’s fashion accessory. However, the war and difficult conditions in the trenches forced soldiers to use wristwatches. After the war, the wristwatches became the symbols of and were known for strength and bravery of the army personnel.  

Throughout the centuries, clock making has turned into an industry of serial production from a craft requiring a great deal of expertise. In 2015, Pacomarine combined advanced industrial opportunities with artisanship and made all the difference in the clock making sector.

Pacomarine carries on production activities with a totally customer oriented approach. We combine the perfect harmony of engineering and design with ease of use.

If you want to find out more about Pacromarine products embodying perfect designs, handcrafts and expert artisanship, please visit our website.